Article of 04.05.2016

Visit at the production facility in Nauen

On Monday, 04.04.2016 we had the opportunity to visit the BSH household production facility in Nauen with 14 members of the cooperation project. There, premium washing machines "Made in Germany" are produced. The tour was organized by a former student in the project, called Florian König, who is employee in Nauen meanwhile. This visit was a unique chance for us to inspect one of the most advanced production lines for household appliances in Europe. Annual half a million of devices are produced and exported worldwide. The facility is supplied by regional located suppliers. Three of the suppliers have even their seat direct next to factory halls of the BSH household appliances GmbH, for example to deliver especially heavy pieces. Furthermore, there is a large logistics centre on the factory site.

After a short introduction of the history, the setting, the structure of the facility in Nauen and of the on-site produced products as well as a safety briefing the tour through the production hall began. If required, we were provided with safety shoes. At each station we received comprehensive information from Florian König about the production sequences and production methods and we could ask several questions. The manufacture was not the only thing, which we were witnessing with great interest, but also the modern conveyer-, storage-, and logistics systems which were used. However, not only washing machines are produced in Nauen, but also all departures to provide ozone for the new innovative washing process of the BSH household appliances GmbH.

During the approx. 90 minutes tour we could get a comprehensive idea of the whole production process of a domestic washing machine- from punching and forming of the sheet metal for the body to the so called wedding between the housing and inner workings of a washing machine up to the final functional tests.

Besides the production, we could gain interesting insights into the labor organization and workflows of the line production and before the departure we could even take a look at the work sheeps.

The trip to Nauen was therefore a full success to which all participants had much fun. At this point we would like to express our sincere appreciation to Florian König, with him this experience perhaps would not be possible.

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